Sunday, 28 November 2010

Experiment over

Last beard picture from last night

And this morning, it's gone. I was quite pleased how it looked but couldn't stand the feeling any longer.

To borrow a quote from Commander Riker in Star Trek Insurrection - "Smooth as an androids bottom eh".

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Saturday, 27 November 2010

Beardy update

Getting bored with it now. What does everyone think - keep or shave?

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Thursday, 25 November 2010

Beard Update

Getting a bit itchy now but pretty happy with its progress.

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Monday, 22 November 2010


Not bad progress today I think. Looks better/worse depending on the light. :-)

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Sunday, 21 November 2010

Not Shaving

I don't think a day has gone by since around 2003 that I haven't shaved.

Prior to that I had many embarrassing attempts at beards and I had resolved never to try and grow one again, especially as Louise absolutely hated them.

However, on Friday night while watching Children in Need, Louise commented that she thought the rugged unshaven look sported by Gary, Jason and Howard from Take That was quite appealing.

So I figured I would try not shaving for a week or so and see how it turn out these days. This is how the growth looks right now after two days. Comments welcome. :-)

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Wednesday, 10 November 2010

A better image of the Eldon Square Pencils

Thanks to Debbie Heath for telling me about this.  No grown ups sitting on them in this pic I am pleased to say! :-)

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Congratulations Louise

Huge congratulations to my lovely wife Louise tonight. She has just been named Slimming World "Woman of the Year" for the Stanley Group.

She has lost an amazing 3 and a half stone and I am incredibly proud of her.

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Nostalgia Moment - Old Newcastle vs New Newcastle

I never go to Newcastle anymore, and here's why;

1).  I can shop online, or go to the Metrocentre which is easier to get to and has free parking.
2).  I don't work there anymore.
3).  I don't have a season ticket at NUFC anymore.
4).  The Metrocentre has a cinema.
5).  Getting in and out is a nightmare unless you live on a metro route.  Is even worse as a driver now High Level is one way and taxi only.
6).  There is no where in Newcastle that I am really that bothered about restaurant wise. 

So all in all, the idea of going into Newcastle these days actually makes me shudder a little bit.  Saying that though, I do actually love the place and it has changed in many positive ways over recent years.  I don't think that anyone could argue that the following additions have been anything but good for the city;

1).  The business complexes at Sandgate and St Anns Wharf on the Quayside.
2).  Old Co-Op Warehouse converted into Malmaison.
3).  Old Baltic flour mill transformed into Art Gallery.
4).  Addition of the Sage Centre.
5).  Demolition of Westgate House (hopefully to be followed one day by Commercial Union House on Pilgrim Street)  Think that's what it is called anyway?  Big building on stilts that come out into the road!
6).  The Gate.
7).  Redevelopment of St James' Park. First to 36,000 and ultimately to 52,000.
8).  The new Debenhams/Waitrose (although it has been so long since I have been to Newcastle I haven't actually seen these yet).  I have heard they are good though.
9).  The Millennium Bridge.

So, it's safe to say that the City has evolved in a good way.  However, I have to say that I miss old Newcastle - the one that I grew up with.  Today, Newcastle doesn't feel like my town anymore.  It feels like a place for tourists now.  I miss its old gritty personality and I have alot of fond memories of Newcastle as was.  Here are a few;

1).  Going with my Mam to meet my Dad from work at NEEB (Carliol House - Market Street) to do late night shopping on a Thursday.  We lived in South Shields at the time and we would sometimes get the bus, but often the train.  This was pre-metro.  I loved going on those old trains. 
2).  The smell of the brewery.
3).  Fenwicks window when it was still good!
4).  Buses on Northumberland Street.
5).  Worswick Street Bus Station.
6).  The Pencils in Eldon Square.  Anyone remember them.  I used to love playing on them, but annoying adults used to think they were for them to have a sit down which used to thoroughly annoy me (yes I was grumpy back then too)!!
7).  The Space Ship style cafe at Bainbridges (has that finally gone now actually)?
8).  Fenwicks toy fair circa 1983 when the Return of the Jedi merchandise took over practically the whole floor.
9).  The Quayside - pre Spender and his Cosworth (which was the start of the area becoming Yuppy-fied, and most certainly before its second transformation into a Tourist Attraction.
10).  Olivers sandwich shop!  I will never, ever, ever forgive Greggs for being there in its place!  They were the finest sandwiches in the world and they did a hell of a nice coffee too.  My Mam still has coffee cups from there to this day actually!

In summary though, life is about change. My parents no doubt have fond memories of a Newcastle before the one I knew.  So I guess Newcastle has to change and evolve otherwise it would be left behind, and those in the South would be accurate in their odd assumption that we live in some sort of dark ages up here.

And the next time I do reluctantly get dragged into the City Centre - well at least it has a Starbucks these days!  Although you can never bloomin well get sat down, and they take an age to give you your coffee!  But that's a rant for another day I think! :-)

Monday, 25 October 2010

Alas - Earwax!

Anyone who knows me will be well aware that my ear, nose and throat are not the best in the world, and that I do tend to make a lot of noise coughing, sniffing, and sometimes even growling and grunting.  It's as annoying to me as it is for all you poor people who have to listen to it, but after years of baffling Doctors who always seem to end up suggesting nasal sprays that just make me sneeze, I have pretty much given up any hope of it ever getting better.

Something that often crops up as part of my ENT displeasure is earwax.  I pretty much always have it, but once in a while it gets ridiculous, and right now it is back with a vengeance.  The last time it was this bad was in 1998 just before I started a new job where I had to complete a hearing test as part of a medical on my first day.  I didn't stand a chance of passing the hearing test as my ears were about a week into a course of drops that had more or less made me deaf, and believe it or not they also discovered the hearing test machine was broken a week or so later.

Anyway, back to the present, and I went to the Doctors a week or so back, and he confirmed that I had some very nasty wax buildup in there and said I should start softening the wax by putting drops in for about 7 days. 

I had very much learned my lesson from last time and I have only done one ear so far.  So thankfully I am only deaf in one ear right now as opposed to two!  I phoned the Doctors this morning and he is going to get me an appointment to get my ears syringed.  This will be an immesnse relief I can tell you.  Thankfully he thinks they can probably do both ears at the same time as the 7 days of drops is only a guideline apparently, so if I put some drops in the other ear the night before he thinks it should be OK.

Fingers crossed anyway! 

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Telly Roundup

Have been too busy to post the last few days but I have enjoyed the TV this past week.  Here is a roundup of what we have been watching in the Rising household;


First live shows were this last weekend.  We watched them a day late as we were at a party on Saturday night.  Is quite good catching up on Sky Plus on a Sunday because you can fast forward adverts and also the acts/songs that you don't like - and you also don't have to wait another day for the results show.

Anyway, I'm a big fan of Cher.  I think she is really talented but she won't win as the voting public will probably want another forgetable wailing diva who wants to be Whitney Houston.  Is probably best that she doesn't win actually as she can then make her own way - very much the way Diana Vickers is now doing.  I thought Diana was easily the best two years ago but she came third and I think we can probably expect the same from Cher. 

The painter bloke is very good, as is Aiden.  Mary has an amazing voice but she's on the wrong show.  She should be on Britain's Got Talent.  Wagner is beyond hilarious, and Storm is the one that I have just taken an immediate dislike to and I want him out as soon as possible.  Good first week though and looking forward to more.

Food Programmes

I love Masterchef Australia.  It is on every night on Watch.  Our version is good - this is better.  Strange that I have come to love food programmes so much as I loathe the idea of cooking!

Masterchef, The Professionals is also on right now, but I don't enjoy this as much as regular Masterchef purely because of Michel Roux Jr being on it.  I don't have a problem with him so much.  I just don't think it is right without Jonty Road! 

Come Dine with me is another that we watch and this is just genius.  Purely because of the comments of the bloke that narrates it.  Great stuff.

The Apprentice

Week 2 of The Apprentice and I enjoy this show every week.  This weeks test to invent, produce, and sell a beach product was really good.  I thought the blanket/towel thing was a great idea, but the book stand was rubbish.  I can't see that there is a problem in the first place that requires such a product, and the product itself looked awkward, and not very functional.

I used to love the You're Fired aftershow as well but I think it has really lost something since Adrian Chiles has gone.  The bloke who is now hosting it belongs on the panel really as opposed to the hosts chair. 

Anyway, I think that's about it.  Can't think of anything else that we watch.  We have just got Sky Movies free for 2 months so am hoping to watch a few films.  Don't think we are watching enough films at the minute so hopefully we can correct that and I can review some of them here!

Book Update

After a slow start I am now really happy that I stuck with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  I am still not even half way through (such is my reading pace) but I am gripped by the story and I can't wait to see the movies (both the Swedish version, and the one Daniel Craig is currently filming).

So my reading schedule is sorted for probably a good few months as this is a trilogy of books.  

Saturday, 9 October 2010



Went out for a walk to the park with George and my Father In Law today and we had a great time collecting a bunch of Conkers.

I was genuinely excited. Conkers make me as happy now as they did when I was a boy.

We found some cracking ones too. Brilliant fun.

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Friday, 8 October 2010

I hate dark mornings!!

The dark mornings are well and truly here.  I really don't like them but I guess I had better get used to them as this is the way it is going to be now until next February/March I suppose.

When it is light when you wake up it seems to make a big difference.  I hop out of bed no bother at all.  But since it started getting dark I have felt like an absolute zombie come 6.00am when my alarm goes off.  I stumble out of bed and quite often nearly lose my balance before struggling to the shower room to try and get human.

Roll on December 21st when at least we will be heading in the right direction again!!

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Coffee Blog Rant pays off!

No sooner had I had my little coffee rant yesterday, than my lovely wife got this for me today.

I cant wait to take it into work tomorrow and open up that packet and smell that lovely coffee. Thanks Louise. Now have I mentioned that I miss having an Audi? :-)

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The Apprentice is back!

And thank goodness too as Dragon's Den had left a big gap as pretty much the only non-food related programme we currently watch!  Our Sky Plus is currently filled with Masterchef Australia (which blows ours out of the water incidentally), Masterchef The Professionals, Ramsays Best Restaurant, Come Dine With Me, Nigella something or other, and I think a Jamie Oliver programme too!

Anyway, back to The Apprentice and I enjoyed the first episode on BBC1 last night.  A pretty predictable first task really and a not too surprising outcome, but it's always enjoyable nontheless.  No early favourites yet but that short blond haired woman with the glasses is going to do my head in if she is not eliminated quickly!  Margaret is the biggest miss of course!  She's brilliant!  At least Nick is still there though!

Watched You're Fired afterwards and it's a shame Adrian Chiles is not on anymore.  That bald bloke (whoever he is - guessing he's one of those rent-a-comedian types that grow on trees these days) was OK but it's just not the same!  I don't mind change, but I think they could have found someone better.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Coffee Rant!

I love a good cup of coffee, and at work lately we have been treated to this which is delightful;

And occasionally this, which is almost as nice;

Today however, there is only this rubbish;

I actually think Nescafe Original is much nicer than this horrible tar/treacle like stuff!  Yuck. May have to pop out and buy my own jar of Dowe Egberts!

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Nostalgia Moment - Star Trek!

I love Star Trek.  Especially the original series.  I also am very fond of The Next Generation and to a certain extent Deep Space Nine, but after that I lost interest!

You just can't beat the original though.  I remember watching it at tea time as a boy. I think it used to be on before the news on BBC1 in the slot that Neighbours eventually filled. 

It never bothered me that - even then in the early eighties - the sets, aliens, ships etc already looked less advanced than much of the technology available.  I just loved the characters, and the adventures that they had.

We got our first video recorder in 1984.  It was a Hitachi VHS Top Loader - much like the one in the pic below, and to this day very little has excited me to such an extent.  Possibly only the iPhone comes close (which I can watch episodes of Star Trek on incidentally)!  Anyway, I started recording the episodes until I had them all and (like the geek that I am) I would watch them over and over again.

There were 7 main characters, but it really focused around the "Big 3" of Captain Kirk, Mr Spock, and Doctor McCoy".  I wanted to be Captain Kirk, in the same way that I wanted to be Batman or Luke Skywalker.  I sure as hell didn't want to be one of those security blokes in the red shirts however.  They never lasted very long did they!

Anyhow, I mentioned that I can watch episodes on the iPhone and I have downloaded a few from iTunes.  I still enjoy them as much today as I did then, but I identify with the characters differently now.  I realise that I am much more like Dr. McCoy than Captain Kirk.  The ships Doctor was probably the most human of all the characters.  He was also a bit grumpy and cynical at times which are traits I see in myself. 

I also identify very much with Scotty.  The ships Chief Engineer (who like me had a taste for whiskey) always had to find a way to make things work at short notice.  He didn't always do things by the book, but he got the job done.  If he could see the wiring of my server room at work, I think he would be proud.  It is rigged in such a way that I think Scotty would approve of!  Wires all over the place - but it works! 

Like many popular and successful film/tv franchises - Star Trek has now been rebooted/reimagined (whatever you want to call it) with new actors playing those old familiar roles, and I must say I enjoyed the new film very much.  I think Star Trek in it's many incarnations will continue to entertain me for years to come!

Monday, 4 October 2010

Conclusions from a weekend in Scarborough

The Good!

If you ever go to Scarborough, stay at The Sands at North Bay! It is the most tremendous place I have ever stayed. You feel like you are living in the sort of Apartment a footballer would own. It is pure luxury.

The Food

The best places to eat are the Blue Crush Surfer Bar which is attached to The Sands, and The Glass House which is just up the road next to the miniature railway. Tremendous food at both of these fine establishments.

Things to do.

The beach is great, The Sea Life centre is pretty good but overpriced. The above mentioned miniature railway is beyond awesome, and a walk along to the more touristy South Bay with all the amusements et al is also really good fun.

Random Thought

I noticed that there are some very cool people at North Bay and they mainly hang around at the Blue Crush Surfer Bar. They are the sort of people who wear scarves with a jumper (and not a coat) as a fashion statement as opposed to using them to keep warm. There also seem to be quite a few blokes my age or a bit older about the place who look like they could be playwrites or the like and they also just look cool and chilled out in a way I never have and never will be.

It made me realise that not only am I not cool now, I have never been cool! Good job I am happy eh! :-)

Journey (and other) Rants

Tractors should not be on the bloody road. Where are they going and why do they bloody well need to go there in a damn tractor? Haven't they got a Land Rover or something?

Why do cyclists feel they have the right to ride two a breast when cars are trying to pass them?

Why do cyclists feel they have the right to use a pelican crossing. That bugs me more than I can describe?

Why do cyclists feel they have the right to ride on the pavement and then ring their bell to get you out of their way?

Why do Sat Navs try to send you the most ridiculous routes?

Final Word

A fantastic weekend with Louise, the boys and Louise's Mam and Dad. This is the second year we have done this and I think it could turn into a yearly thing. I am growing to really love Scarborough. I feel really content there and if I ever come into some big money - the first thing I will be doing is buying one of those amazing Apartments at The Sands.

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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Now Reading

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Started reading this following conclusion of the excellent Twitchhiker.

Struggling to get into it so far. Louise has just finished it and thought it was great. She is now reading the next book in the series.

I will plod on with it and hopefully will start getting into it. It is a big book though and given that I can only read about 20 minutes a night, it is going to take me a very long time to read this.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Rant of the day - Trip to the Bank

I went to the Bank at lunchtime today to pay in 2 cheques. I really should savour the experience of receiving money as opposed to it slipping through my fingers like water as it usually does! However, as usual the experience was teeth clenchingly and neck vein throbbingly infuriating.

There were 3 stations in the Bank where you could be served. Only 2 of them were manned (or womaned in this case). Why on a lunchtime are all 3 not in use? Where is the third person - on her lunch? Couldn't she go a bit later when things had quietened down a bit?

Anyway, I walk in and I am first in the queue. Two people are being served in front of me. A little old woman who clearly has all the time in the world, and a young Mother who doesn't seem to know where she is or what she is doing and also seems to have all the time in the world.

So not the best start. What makes it worse are the 2 dithering clowns serving them who seem to be encouraging all manner of slowness.

What are these people doing? All I want to do is pay in 2 cheques. Everyone in front of me seems to want to swap life stories or rummage in bags for something.

The minutes pass. I check my iPhone while I wait to try and hide my frustration. I do this a few more times. Still no one has budged. The little old woman is going on about the fact that she may not want to use her card when she is away next week. I am also starting to suspect that the young mother is actually a statue. Her baby looks as close to rage as I am.

Still the chit chat goes on and on and on. There are people behind me now. The bloke behind is standing too close to me. Don't you just hate that. I shuffle forward a few steps to reclaim my personal space. Thankfully he seems to get the message and keeps his distance.

Still no one moves. I start to wonder why places don't have a special fast lane for irritable IT Professionals with a limited amount of time to spare on their lunch break. I am starting to lose the will here!!!

Finally, the nightmare seems like it could be over. The little old woman seems close to making a move. Her business is concluded, but oh no - she lingers a bit longer to exchange final pointless pleasantries with the member of staff. Just wish her well for Gods sake and jog on woman!!!!!

At last, she goes! Now its my turn. Or is it. The member of staff stubbornly refuses to make eye contact with me so I dare not move off my line. Then the other bloomin woman behind the counter abandons the young Mother and comes over to her colleague to ask for some notes. I cannot begin to describe how long and unbearable this process is.

Finally she returns to her seat and the woman behind the counter beckons me over.

"Thanks for waiting" she says. These words feel so insincere to me and my response of "it's ok" was not really what I wanted to offer.

Anyway, my cheques are paid in, and she takes her own damn sweet time to do it for me in a final insult.

Phew, it's all over. Next, it's off to Asda! Could this lunchtime get any worse??

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Top Tip #5 - Brown Nappy of Death!!

Never pick up your baby when he has no trousers on, his nappy already looks pretty bulky, and he has a look of deep concentration on his face!

The resulting poo explosion onto your arm is an unpleasant side effect of such bad decision making!  Thank heavens for long sleeves!! :-)  

Monday, 27 September 2010

Mini Film Review - 24 Hour Party People

I thought I might start doing a little mini comment/review of some of my favourite films on this blog. I love films, and I have a lot of favourites from many a genre.

So here we go, and I an starting with the fantastic 24 Hour Party People staring Steve Coogan.

This film was released in 2002 and is the story of Tony Wilson, Factory Records and some of the bands on the Factory Label - most notably Joy Division (later to become New Order), and The Happy Mondays.

Coogan surprised me when I first saw the film. I thought he would be all wrong for the role of Tony Wilson but he was absolutely perfect as the Factory boss.

Other notable performances include Andy Serkis (of Gollum Fame) as music producer Martin Hannet, and the excellent Paddy Considine as Rob Gretton (manager of Joy Division).

The cinematography beautifully illustrates "dark ages Manchester" in the 70s, 80s, and early 90s and the soundtrack is absolutely superb. I could watch this film over and over again (and indeed have done so).

I love how a film can invoke memories of the time you first saw it. I actually saw this film in Cardiff whilst on a business trip with a colleague. I was doing a lot of travelling back then for work and I really enjoyed the experience. I hate travelling for work now. Weird eh!!

On this particular trip, my colleague and I saw 2 films in Cardiff. This being one, and the other being K-Pax staring Kevin Spacey (which was also very good). We made the mistake of paying for the films on the business credit card. The logic being that we were away for the company's benefit so we were entitled to a few perks. The MD did not see our point of view when we got back however! :-)

Great great film though and I highly recommend it to you!

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Rant of the day!

It really annoys me how many people don't seem to understand the National Speed Limit. Especially on single carriage-ways.

The worst sort of offender is the sort of idiot who plods along at 40 bloomin mph when it is perfectly obvious to anyone with a brain that you are allowed to go 60mph.

What is even more annoying about such fools is that they are usually the sort who will go about 45mph in a 30 zone.

So damn annoying!!

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Grown up Football Fan

So, yesterday Newcastle lost at home to Stoke - having lead 1-0 at half time.  First and foremost, I have to say that one of my pet hates in football is taking the lead, then losing.  I find it absolutely inexcusable.

However, as disappointing as the home defeats to Blackpool and Stoke were, I am pretty satisfied with the way this season has started, and it has made me realize that I have evolved as a football fan.

Time was, if we lost a game - I would go into a huff for the rest of the weekend and refuse to talk about or watch any more football until we put it right the next game.  I would probably also start to think that I wanted the manager sacked if things didn't get better pretty sharpish!

But I think that Newcastle spending a year in the Championship last season was a good wakeup call for myself, and probably many other Newcastle fans.  It has certainly reset my expectations for where the club can expect to go.  I am now just happy to be back in the Premier League again, and will look forward to the highs when they come, and also try to take the lows in a little less of a stroppy fashion!  Hopefully we can stay up, but if we don't - then it's not the end of the world either, as last season was one of the most enjoyable in a very long time.

I do also hope that if a dodgy series of results does happen, that the board don't panic and get rid of Chris Hughton, because I think he is a thoroughly decent bloke and has brought a bit of pride and team spirit back to the club.  Something that has been missing since probably Sir Bobby's days!

Man City away next week.  Who knows.  Newcastle are probably crazy enough to go and win that one. We'll have to wait and see!

Sunday, 26 September 2010


I have been suffering this weekend. I have the most irritating cold. Very very runny nose and can't stop sneezing.

These tissues are not going to last long.

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