Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Coffee Rant!

I love a good cup of coffee, and at work lately we have been treated to this which is delightful;

And occasionally this, which is almost as nice;

Today however, there is only this rubbish;

I actually think Nescafe Original is much nicer than this horrible tar/treacle like stuff!  Yuck. May have to pop out and buy my own jar of Dowe Egberts!


  1. I'm a coffee snob, not had instant for a long time! But if I had to it would be the Dowe Egberts everytime I totally agree Nescafe is rather horrid ;o)

  2. Would love a proper coffee machine at home but don't have the room and wouldn't have the time to prepare it and wait for it to be ready.

  3. We just have a cafetiere not as good as a coffee machine but a huge deal better than instant!
