Anyone who knows me will be well aware that my ear, nose and throat are not the best in the world, and that I do tend to make a lot of noise coughing, sniffing, and sometimes even growling and grunting. It's as annoying to me as it is for all you poor people who have to listen to it, but after years of baffling Doctors who always seem to end up suggesting nasal sprays that just make me sneeze, I have pretty much given up any hope of it ever getting better.
Something that often crops up as part of my ENT displeasure is earwax. I pretty much always have it, but once in a while it gets ridiculous, and right now it is back with a vengeance. The last time it was this bad was in 1998 just before I started a new job where I had to complete a hearing test as part of a medical on my first day. I didn't stand a chance of passing the hearing test as my ears were about a week into a course of drops that had more or less made me deaf, and believe it or not they also discovered the hearing test machine was broken a week or so later.
Anyway, back to the present, and I went to the Doctors a week or so back, and he confirmed that I had some very nasty wax buildup in there and said I should start softening the wax by putting drops in for about 7 days.
I had very much learned my lesson from last time and I have only done one ear so far. So thankfully I am only deaf in one ear right now as opposed to two! I phoned the Doctors this morning and he is going to get me an appointment to get my ears syringed. This will be an immesnse relief I can tell you. Thankfully he thinks they can probably do both ears at the same time as the 7 days of drops is only a guideline apparently, so if I put some drops in the other ear the night before he thinks it should be OK.
Fingers crossed anyway!