Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Love Film, Hate Hollywood Greed?

Louise and I went to see The Dark Knight Rises at the weekend.  In short, I loved it, she hated it (apart from the last 10 minutes).  Regardless of how we felt about the film however, it was that anti piracy advert that they shove down your throat every time you see a movie that really made my blood boil!

I'm getting a bit tired of Hollywood dictating how and when I am allowed to see a movie.  Times have changed, but Hollywood it seems, doesn't want to.  They are making 21st Century films, but they are firmly and stubbornly stuck in the 20th century in terms of how they deliver these films to the public.

An important point to make first of all is that I am more than happy to pay a reasonable price to see a film.  I don't have a problem with that, and I think in general most people are the same.  It's just that in this day and age, with the technology that is available, I want to watch a film where I want, on the device I want, and in the format I want.  I don't really think that is an unreasonable expectation in the year 2012!

As parents, it's not always easy for us to get to the cinema, so why shouldn't I have been able to pay to watch The Dark Knight Rises in the comfort of my own home instead of having to get the children looked after and then heading to the cinema?  The technology is certainly there now that's for sure.  I have an Apple TV with Netflix and iTunes content available to me.  Why can't brand new films be part of what is available?

I guess it's for a couple of reasons.  First of all, I'm guessing that Hollywood takes a cut of all the sales of popcorn and hot dogs and the like, and secondly Sky Movies want to ensure that they get to show new movies on TV before anyone else does.  This really stinks and it's an illustration of pure greed being elevated above consumer convenience!

Sometimes I just want to watch a new movie in my home, and I don't want to wait six months for it to come out on DVD or appear in the iTunes store.  Even then there are annoyances.  Some movies on iTunes are only available in HD format to rent - you can only buy them in Standard Definition.  Why is that?

In addition to this, every time the format changes, I am forced to pay more money.  Why should I have to shell out to buy The Star Wars Trilogy on Blu-Ray when I already paid for it on VHS, and then DVD.  If I buy it on Blu-Ray it will probably just be released in the iTunes store (which is where I really want it).  The point is though, I feel that when I bought the Star Wars Trilogy on VHS all those years ago, I should have been buying a licence to acquire those films in whatever format they are subsequently released in. Why should I have to pay for them again and again?

Hollywood just doesn't get it.  No wonder piracy exists, no wonder people look for torrents.  There must be a better way, but until the movie studios realize that people want choice and convenience, and they actually don't mind paying for it, then the problem of piracy simply isn't going to go away!


  1. Just download the films you want to see. If you get them from Pirate Bay they don't have the anti-piracy warning at the start. So I'm told.

  2. If there were a like button I would click it right now! :-)
