Thursday, 16 September 2010


I've never been a fan of Apple.  Purely because they make no effort to fit in or be compatible.  Whenever I have been asked by someone to take a look at their Macbook or iMac or whatever, my heart always immediately sinks as they are just so alien to me!  I mean, how can you trust a device that doesn't even have a right mouse click.

This same distrust of Apple also extended to Smartphones - that is until recently.  Louise got an iPhone.  I was always a Blackberry guy, and for a while I tried to convince myself that my Bold was better.  Then we got a couple of iPhones on trial at work, and to cut a long story short - I sold my soul to the devil and never looked back.  I briefly had the iPhone 3GS, and now I have the shiny and lovely iPhone 4.  It is incredible.

I now desperately want an iPad too.  Am I on a slippery slope here?  Will I want a Macbook as my next laptop?  God, I hope I never cross that far to the dark side! :-)


  1. The thing that gets me with Apple is that they used to be niche and therefore exciting; now they're mainstream they've lost that edgy-ness and accessibility

    The thing that REALLY bugs me is the iPhone/iPad Flash fallout. Rather than recognising that 80% of the web uses Flash and working with Adobe to enable Apple customers get the best out of their fantastic products, they simply stuck their toes into HTML5 and thought sod the customer experince. Hmmm, this doesn't seem too niche to me.

    (rant over) ;-)

  2. That's quite a shift towards the dark side, Peter :) Also, technically the Apple "Might Mouse" has right-click functionality. I have been experimenting with a MM on my laptop (running Windows 7) at work and it detects if you click the far right side of the single mouse button. ;-)

    I'd quite fancy an iPad but can't justify the cost - besides, I'd wait until the next incarnation which is bound to have several improvements.

    I do love my iPhone 3GS but, for a number of reasons, I'm waiting for iPhone 5 next year :-)

    True Macphiles are rotten to the core (ahem) ;-)
