Monday, 30 July 2012

But Sir, nobody worries about upsetting a Droid!

Well, I now own an Android device. I've been trying to hide my curiosity about the iOS nemesis for so long, but I can deny it no longer and I am finally out of the closet!

As with The New iPad, I have only had the Asus manufactured Google Nexus 7 for a few days, but I have sat and devoured it in the same way my Son George does with a new Lego Wii game.

Initially it was a little alien, and I didn't see too much point to the customisable home screens. However, as I have become accustomed to the device I have started to appreciate why Android has become so popular.

I still don't really get the point of widgets, but give me time - its enough of a miracle that I have come this far.

The Nexus 7 is a really nice size. Again, I previously sang from the Apple hymn sheet and was skeptical about the idea of a 7 inch tablet but it's really nice to use and easy to hold in one hand.

The Google Play Store has a lot of Apps, Movies and Books to choose from. Many common apps such as Twitter and Facebook do lack that little bit of polish that you will find on iOS apps, but they are still pretty good and easy to use nonetheless.

However, I was really impressed when I downloaded The Amazing Spiderman game for George as it is absolutely excellent. In fact, I have not really seen the device since.  I think the size and ease of use is going to make this a very good gadget for kids! George seems to really enjoy using it and finds it easier to hold than the larger iPad!

The battery life is impressive considering my over use of the device as I have got to grips with it. In addition to this the display is very good and the Nexus 7 is a very responsive and pleasant to use device in general.

Another attractive selling point is the price. You can pick up the 8GB version for £159.00 and the 16GB for £199.00. I have the 16GB and I would recommend spending that little bit extra for double the capacity.

So in conclusion, I think I will end up using this mostly for multimedia purposes such as watching movies and playing games, whilst the iPad will remain my first choice in terms of productivity.

The Google Nexus 7 is definitely a little winner for me though, and I think its inevitable success will result in Apple responding with their own iPad mini very soon.

So there you have it.

Take care!


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