Tuesday, 31 July 2012

I really hope this isn't the next iPhone!

A lot of respected tech websites having been showing these pictures over the past few days.  Apparently they leaked from a source in China where Apple hardware is manufactured, and many are claiming that this will in fact be what the next iPhone looks like.

All I can say is, I really hope not.  If this is not a fake or some sort of Apple smokescreen, then it really makes you wonder if Apples design department has lost its way?  Lets be honest, Android phones are evolving - and many of them are looking very very sleek.

However, the iPhone 4/4S case is really starting to show its age, and these images basically show more of the same!  It's pretty much that same iPhone 4/4S case but a bit longer, with the rumoured new docking port, and with a two tone colour scheme on the back. It's pretty dull and uninspiring in my opinion.

It is widely reported that Apple will soon announce a September event to introduce the next iPhone prior to its release in October alongside iOS 6.  An iPad mini is also rumoured for this event too.

To be honest, I just don't know what to expect.  I had my fingers burnt last year when I insisted that all this talk of an iPhone 4S would turn out to be nonsense and that a super duper new iPhone 5 would in fact be revealed!  Shows what I know doesn't it!!

All I can really do for now is cross my fingers that what we see in these images is not what comes to pass.  I would find this to be a major disappointment.  I am craving major change when it comes to the next iPhone, and I think most people are too! That being said, like the fool I am - I'll probably end up getting one whatever it looks like!

We'll just have to wait and see I guess!

Take care!


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